What is a Brow Bar?
Achieving perfectly arched eyebrows at home with a pair of tweezers is a painful chore with the added risk that you might end up looking a bit of a weirdo. Which is perhaps why a booming industry appears to be growing up from the demand for a more professional job.
Many celebrities, including actress Keira Knightley and presenter Alexa Chung, have helped create a trend for heavier, carefully shaped brows. It is not only the desire to emulate celebrities that is driving the market. Experts say it is also fuelled by women realizing how much the eyebrows can do for their overall appearance.
Good brows are like good underwear – the right shape and size puts the rest of the face into proportion and makes everything look right. A trip to a brow bar, which takes as little as four minutes, is popular because it combines necessary maintenance with a self-indulgent treat.
So now you know why a brow bar is important to visit, why not schedule an appointment with a top notch Pittsburgh brow bar by clicking here.